Camille Robert
Camille Robert is a PhD candidate and lecturer in history at Université du Québec à Montréal. Her thesis project offers a history of the neoliberal turn taken by the Québec state from the points of view of education and healthcare workers. Her master’s thesis, which focused on Québec feminists’ fight for the recognition of housework as work, was published by Éditions Somme toute in 2017. With Louise Toupin, she also co-edited an edited collection on women’s invisible work, published by Éditions du remue-ménage in 2018. Committed to contributing to rethinking dominant historical narratives and to engaging with the public, she regularly works with a number of media outlets and community organizations, and is a member of the editorial committee at HistoireEngagé
Dernières nouvelles
Invitation to a collective book launch
Participation of MHG members in two study days
Publication of the anthology Écrire la ville
Invitation to the “COVID in the House of Old” exhibition
Participation of MHG members at the 75th IHAF congress
Participation of our members at the IHAF and CCHT/CCLH conferences