International Activities

Young Scholars Programme

The goal of the Young Scholars Program is to provide Montreal History Group members who are early in their careers with international opportunities to share their research, to build academic networks and to promote intellectual exchange in environments that foster comparisons to Montreal. In the last few years, the program has sent members to Spain (Cordoba), France (Angers, Paris-I), the UK (Leicester) and Belgium (Bruxelles) where they have addressed seminars and conferences on urban studies, labour history, the history of consumption and Canadian and Quebec Studies. Young scholars since 2007 include Karine HébertSean MillsDan HornerNicolas KennyJean-François Constant (2010), Sonya Roy (2011) and Amanda Ricci (2015).

Visiting scholars

Invited Scholars


Catherine Bertho-Lavenir

Catherine Bertho-Lavenir is Professor of Contemporary History at Université Sorbonne nouvelle-Paris III and visiting professor at the History Department of McGill University. During her stay with the Montreal History Group at McGill she will be doing archival research for a biography of Anne-Marie Palardy. The biography will focus on Palardy’s correspondence and her voyages abroad as a way into her education in modernity. Catherine Bertho-Lavenir will be giving a conference at McGill on 21 January 2010 as part of the Jeudis d’Histoire speakers series of the Montreal History Group.

Tom Hulme

Tom Hulme is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester. He first joined the University of Leicester as an undergraduate in 2005, studying for a BA in Historical Studies. After researching the provision of municipal housing in the British town of Buxton extensively for a third-year dissertation, which is in the redrafting stages for publication, his interests became more strongly focused in the area of urban history. After being awarded an ESRC 1+3 studentship he continued these interests at the Centre for Urban History, Leicester, where he attained an MA degree in 2009, completing a thesis on citizenship and civic festivals in 1920s Manchester and Chicago. He is now studying for a PhD in Urban History, also at the Centre, further developing notions of citizenship, municipal provision, and civic culture in the interwar period in Manchester and Chicago.

Tom Hulme’s visit to Montreal builds on an ongoing exchange between the Montreal History Group and the University of Leicester’s Centre for Urban History. During his stay with the Group Tom will give a conference as part of the Jeudis d’Histoire and will lead a Muffins and Methodology seminar.

Ciaran Toal

Ciaran Toal is a Ph.D. candidate at Queen’s University, Belfast. His research involves comparing public uses and spectacles of religion at the British Association for the Advancement Meetings during the nineteenth century. During his stay with the Montreal History Group, Ciaran Toal will do archival research on the 1884 Montreal meeting.