Shawn McCutcheon
Shawn McCutcheon has taught the history of Canada, Quebec, as well as North American sexual history as course lecturer at McGill University, where he recently completed his PhD. In his dissertation, “ Honnêtes hommes et gentilshommes : L’éducation classique des garçons et la formation du soi masculin au Bas-Canada à l’âge des révolutions (1791-1840),” he studied the construction of masculinity in the Franco-Catholic and Anglo-Protestant “secondary schools” of Lower Canada from the late eighteenth to the early nineteenth century. Shawn examined the impact of the cultural transformations that happened during this period on education and on the masculine ideals transmitted to youth in classical colleges and grammar schools. Since then, he has continued his research on the nature and limits of the masculine and sexual norms inculcated to the sons of the Montreal bourgeoisie at the turn of the nineteenth century. His current project, “ Cabarets, jeux et nudité publique : Incartades des collégiens du Petit Séminaire de Montréal (1773-1840),” focuses on the cases of young Montrealers who came into conflict with the law. Beyond the classrooms of the Petit Séminaire de Montréal, this project aims to see if any of them went against the norms of behaviour their teachers tried to instill in them during their studies once they left the college. More broadly, Shawn’s research interests include the transatlantic history of education, gender, sexuality, social control and marginality.
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