Edward Dunsworth

Edward Dunsworth is an assistant professor in the Department of History and Classical Studies at McGill University. A historian of labour, migration, and the left, Dunsworth is the author of Harvesting Labour: Tobacco and the Global Making of Canada’s Agricultural Workforce (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022; winner of the Henry A. Wallace Award, Agricultural History Society, United States) and a collaborator with the St. Lucian-Canadian activist and former migrant worker Gabriel Allahdua on his memoir, Harvesting Freedom: The Life of a Migrant Worker in Canada (Between the Lines, 2023; winner of the Speaker’s Book Award, Legislative Assembly of Ontario). An active public historian, Dunsworth is a member of the editorial collective at Activehistory.ca, a founding member of the Toronto Workers’ History Project, and a frequent author of articles for broader audiences. His current research concerns left parliamentary politics and the politics of immigration in Canada.