Jean-Philippe Bernard

Jean-Philippe Bernard is professor of Quebec and Canadian history in the Department of Social Sciences at the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO) since fall 2023. He studies the social history of rural and regional Quebec, with a particular focus on social conflicts surrounding land and natural resources management. His doctoral thesis (UQAM, 2022), entitled, “Emparons-nous du sol!” Chômage, retour à la terre et colonialisme durant la Grande dépression au Québec, analyzes the back-to-the-land schemes undertaken by the state during the 1930s. Using both an institutional and social approach, he analyzes these programs as a form of social policy, and attempts to measure their impact on settler families, the environment and First Nations territories. This thesis won him the Prix du livre politique de l’Assemblée nationale in the doctoral thesis category in May 2023. While working on revising it into a monograph, Jean-Philippe is also pursuing a research project entitled Conservation, colonisation et conflits d’usage : les réserves de castor au Québec et en Ontario au XXe siècle. Initiated as part of a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto, this research project was funded by the FRQSC and the SSHRC (2022-2023).
Dernières nouvelles
Jean-Philippe Bernard becomes professor at Université du Québec en Outaouais